Category Archives: Blog

Choosing the Right Vape Juice

vape juices

Choosing the Right Vape Juice It wasn’t that long ago that vapers had very limited options when it came to buying e-liquid for their electronic cigarettes. Unless you were into modding or DIY, your choices were mainly either cartridges meant for cigalikes and a few e-liquids – mostly high-PG products. Today, however, the options are endless. You […]

Vaping vs. smoking: Which is safer?

vape vs smoking

Vaping vs. smoking: Which is safer? Both smoking and vaping have side effects and risks. Scientists do not fully understand the long-term health effects of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) yet, but the science indicates that they are not a safe alternative to smoking. Vaping involves breathing in an aerosol that contains several chemicals, including nicotine and […]