Your Vape Guide

Cigarette is injurious to health. A conventional cigarette contains 400 plus harmful chemicals. According to Public Health England (PHE) and National Health Sector (NHS) vaping is 95% less harmful than traditional cigarettes. 

Why Quit Smoking?

A cigarette is divided into two main parts. First, there is the cigarette filter which is the tip of the cigarette. The second part is the rolling paper which holds the tobacco blend inside it. The main plant used in the manufacturing of tobacco is called Nicotiana Tabacum.

During smoking, the cigarette filter traps the partially burnt pieces of tobacco known as the tar. Some of it passes through the filter resulting in a sticky yellowish stain in the mouth. It also negatively impacts the taste buds reducing their sensitivity towards taste. It moves further inside the mouth making its way to the vocal cords.

This is the reason why most people cough as their vocal cords become irritated while smoking. The smoke doesn’t stop here and travels from the upper airway to the lower airway which is known as Cilia. A harmful chemical called Hydrogen Cyanide in Tar paralyzes the cilia.

With cilia out of action, the cigarette smoke containing multiple cancer-causing chemicals coat the airways further and dive deeper into the lungs. When the lungs lose their defending ability, it increases the chances of Lung Cancer.

The cigarette chemicals then enter into the air sacks which are the deepest part of the lungs. Another harmful chemical Carbon Monoxide acts like a bully and takes the place of oxygen in this region. Hemoglobin instead of carrying oxygen, carries Carbon Monoxide forcing the cells to starve creating difficulty in breathing.

The remaining chemicals are absorbed into the bloodstream. The bloodstream regulates and moves through every organ in the body and so as the harmful chemicals. There is no knowing the amount of damage it could cause.

The oxidizing chemicals in cigarette smoke are highly reactive. Whenever they react with the blood vessels, they cause inflammation and fatty plagues by which the blood vessels get narrowed. Nicotine is a highly addictive chemical and each cigarette on average contains about 12 milligrams of Nicotine which has its own negative effects.

Note: The minimum legal age to consume Nicotine products is from 18 to 21 years.

To put it shortly, smoking can cause Lung Cancer, Mouth Cancer, High Blood Pressure, Headache, Confusion, Muscle Weakness, Heart Irregularity, Brain Damage, Eye Weakness, and the list goes on.

Why Quit Smoking?

A cigarette is divided into two main parts. First, there is the cigarette filter which is the tip of the cigarette. The second part is the rolling paper which holds the tobacco blend inside it. The main plant used in the manufacturing of tobacco is called Nicotiana Tabacum.

During smoking, the cigarette filter traps the partially burnt pieces of tobacco known as the tar. Some of it passes through the filter resulting in a sticky yellowish stain in the mouth. It also negatively impacts the taste buds reducing their sensitivity towards taste. It moves further inside the mouth making its way to the vocal cords.

This is the reason why most people cough as their vocal cords become irritated while smoking. The smoke doesn’t stop here and travels from the upper airway to the lower airway which is known as Cilia. A harmful chemical called Hydrogen Cyanide in Tar paralyzes the cilia.

With cilia out of action, the cigarette smoke containing multiple cancer-causing chemicals coat the airways further and dive deeper into the lungs. When the lungs lose their defending ability, it increases the chances of Lung Cancer.

The cigarette chemicals then enter into the air sacks which are the deepest part of the lungs. Another harmful chemical Carbon Monoxide acts like a bully and takes the place of oxygen in this region. Hemoglobin instead of carrying oxygen, carries Carbon Monoxide forcing the cells to starve creating difficulty in breathing.

The remaining chemicals are absorbed into the bloodstream. The bloodstream regulates and moves through every organ in the body and so as the harmful chemicals. There is no knowing the amount of damage it could cause.

The oxidizing chemicals in cigarette smoke are highly reactive. Whenever they react with the blood vessels, they cause inflammation and fatty plagues by which the blood vessels get narrowed. Nicotine is a highly addictive chemical and each cigarette on average contains about 12 milligrams of Nicotine which has its own negative effects.

Note: The minimum legal age to consume Nicotine products is from 18 to 21 years.

To put it shortly, smoking can cause Lung Cancer, Mouth Cancer, High Blood Pressure, Headache, Confusion, Muscle Weakness, Heart Irregularity, Brain Damage, Eye Weakness, and the list goes on.

What Vapes Direct is offering

Vapes Direct is promoting a healthier lifestyle. Our vision is to bring a revolution by shifting society from traditional cigarettes to vaping. We encourage participation in sports and healthier activities. Due to our commitment to quality and excellence, we dedicate ourselves to providing our customers with the finest products possible.